
Friday, 31 May 2013

Sniglets-The book that changed my social life.

Hey guys , so guess what ,on this day in 1783 - The first daily newspaper was published in the U.S. by Benjamin Towner called "The Pennsylvania Evening Post" (WELL ON THE DAY IM WRITING THIS WHICH IS INFACT THURSDAY -EVEN THOUGH THIS IS BEING PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY EBCAUSE I  HAVE EXPLORED THE WONDERS OF BLOGGER TO ITS FULL POTENTIAL)


Can anyone guess todays blog theme.No.Ok. well its Words .

What on earth spurred me to maKe a blog about words ?. Well , I have been told in the past , believe it or not, that I talk to much (which you can probably gather from my very long winded posts about nothingness) and also I have a tendency to make up my own words when I can’t think of the right one to express my emotions.
I think this condition stemmed from one of my favourite childhood books-Sniglets.Now most British people won’t know what this book is or what its about so I will explain my addition to you.

Sniglets is a series of books written by Rich Hall and Friends ( The dude of QI and would I lie to you, mock the week etc) And the definition is it is that it contains any word that dosent appear in the dictionary, but should.


So as a young child my mum introduced this book to me after I’d just learned all my words , which totally fu**** me up because all these new words added to my vocabulary and then I used to get told at school that these words didn’t exist which mucked me up even more than the fail I was before.


Its one of those books that literally make you burst out belly laughing because it couldn't be more relatable to your life. I promise you something in these books will make you go ‘ I KNOW RIGHT’

I really am a book geek and I don’t really get it when people say they don’t read books because they are boring. Books is such a general area I don’t think you can rule books out can you –maybe a genre but not all books. I hate really emotional books and horror’s but I love comedians autobiographies and books like Sniglets and diary of a wimpy kid –I also like a good romance or shopaholic book.


So let me give you a few of my favourite examples from Sniglets that best represent me-

Banectomy (bah nek’ to mee)     n. The removal of bruises form a banana

Chain Gang Walk (chain gang wok)   n  Activity observed in the footwear section of cheap department stores where the shoes are wired together ‘”for your convenience”

Darf (darf)   n  The least attractive side of the Christmas tree that ends up facing the wall.

Flarpswitch  (flar-p-switsh) n   The one light switch in every house with no function what so ever.

Foys (foyz) n  Missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that you later find stuck to your lower arm

GrantNap (grant’nap) n  The extra five minutes sleep that you allow yourself in the morning that somehow makes all the difference,

Loggium (log’yum)  n   Water that drips from ones nose hours after swimming

Oopzama (eup’ za muh) n  Sudden scratching of the scalp or face upon sudden realisation that who you were waving to wasn’t who you thought it was.

Pajangle (pah jan’ gul) n  Condition of waking up to find your pyjamas have twisted 180 degrees.

Pigslice (pig’slys) n  The last unclaimed piece of pizza that everyone is secretly dyeing for.

Scribblics (skri’blics) n. The warm up exercises designed to get the ink flowing in your pen.

Squigger (swig’uhr) n A cherry tomato that explodes upon contact with a fork.


So I hope that gave you all a laugh –order it now ok and if you don’t like it I’ll give you a refund. (no not really I'm not made of money don’t you know,)

And to finish I thought I’d share a few of my original Sniglets with you guys -

 Parental Blushems—The awkward silence between you and your friends parent when they go for a wee.

Triggleglicts-The very last drops of your M.C. Donald's milkshake that you expertly suck out from the ridge ‘s of the bottom of the cup.

CoolKidtips– The hard skin that forms on the end of a Guitar players fingers and indicates you have no social life.

Namelessness– When you put your cup down at a party and realise so did everyone else.

The Rumble—That urge to stop your belly rumbling in an exam that altimetry backfires.


Thanks for reading once again and hope you enjoyed this weeks recommendation and instalment about books –I have a few ideas for weekly blogs but feel free to write any idea in the comments section if you so feel like it. And just remember myeyebrowsaredark.


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