
Monday, 1 July 2013

Things i am ashamed to say i own

Hey guys ,

So todays blog title is ‘Things I am ashamed to say I own’ but what it really means is ‘Things other people will judge me if they find out I own them so lets publically laugh at them myself now so I don’t look like a dweeb when they find them tucked in the corner of my room. ’(who uses the word dweeb now anyway , sorry duckies, I'm obviously not down with the crowd anymore—I'm losing my touch!)

On a more serious note –just kidding nothing I say is serious– these are genuine items that have been found in the forbidden territory of ‘my room.’ I have to admit some of these items do make me seem like a twat and also some of these items I forgot I even owned –but you trust me—spend a few minutes digging round your boxes and backs of the wardrobe and you to will find cuddly pineapples. Guaranteed its common.


Item 1. This hideous pair of cow suede boots.

I have to admit these boots are my ultimate guilty pleasure , for those of you who know me personally you will know how I love to wear things a little different and eclectic that will make people stare at me oddly on the streets and I love that about myself. These boots are fun and look the bomb with a monochrome tailored jacket and skirt. And although I’m ashamed to say I own them—I love wearing these cheeky little ankle boots!

Item 2. This IPOD 3G complete with tunes from High school Musical

Like I have mentioned before in my blogs , I am not the most technologically advanced person of my age. I have owned this original iPod for around 3 or 4 years and I love it! When I talk to people about my love of music and we get onto the conversations of iPod's I am ashamed to say I own this little gadget-but at the same time an iPod's an iPod isn’t it and this little device has listened to my crimes against music as my taste has changed over the years—it’s a time line of my musical tastes and that is also the reason why I still have classics like High school Musical , Busted and Bratz (okay now I’ve written it it’s so sad!)


Item 3. A Miffy Purse.

And hey what goes around comes around because I have owned this purse ever since I was about 5 years old and now people think I’m such a legend walking round with a ‘VINTAGE’ Miffy purse. So I’m telling you now keep items like this for long enough and they will eventually come back into fashion—we all know what the crazy world of style is like.


Item 4. A recorder

Now don’t tell me you didn’t play one of these as a child because this is where my musical talent steamed from. The good old fashioned recorder. I’m bringing it back for old times sake. And if you have never experienced the utter joy of playing Hickory Dikory Dock on the recorder—get your self playing now! If you were in the recorder club at my school –it was official– you were a cool kid. I have to admit I forgot I had this saucy little pipe at the back of my wardrobe and I am ashamed to say I still have the book that goes with it.


Item5 . A clothes folder—similar to the one Sheldon sports in ‘The Big Band Theory’

This is an embarrassing item to admit I own to the world. Why do you ask? Well number 1 , what normal teenage girl of 15 years would own an OCD clothes folder? I guess the answer is me isn’t it! I have to admit I get great joy out of using this gadget. I am OCD and this little device just makes it a lot quicker for me each weekend( I would definitely recommend this to any other tidier out there! )And for a Fiver of amazon—who can go wrong—oh the joys of amazon prime (which I signed my family up to without meaning to for £50 a year-not a good day.) And I am also a BIG Sheldon Cooper fan!


Item 6. A stuffed pineapple plushy

Now this item I’m slightly puzzled about because to be honest I don’t even remember buying this item. I just kind of found it sprawled up against the back of my wardrobe by the jumper section. It looks as if its been there for some time so join the un closed mystery of where and when this dodgy little pineapple appeared…


Item 7. So Sensual and So Sinful

I am probably the most unsexual person I know and yet I own these fragrances. Someone just mentions the word Sex and I wriggle (I mean It's just not nice is it!)

Now I’m ashamed to say these weren’t even part of a gift set—no my friends they weren’t even a present—I –myself—me– actually went out of my way (to a shop) to buy these fragrances. Don’t even ask me why—it’s what being hormonal does to you.


Item 8. An exercise mat

I mean this is getting ridiculous now—who needs a purple exercise mat int here lives—especially someone who doesn't exercise. I’m guessing this was a spur of the moment purchase at John Lewis or something where they have all your useless needs items as you queue up and think about life. My thoughts at the time probably were “ hey I need to lose some weight lets buy this purple exercise mat , I will be fit and healthy the rest of my life , I will do yoga everyday for the rest of the year– what a good purchase!”-How wrong I was.


Item 9. My weekly magazines

This is probably one of the most shameful items I found in my bedroom. Yes it was a pile of My Weekly magazines for middle aged women , and here comes my excuses. You see (she says in a evry convincing voice) these are my mum’s favourite magazines –ever since I was tiny she has bought these magasines and when she was done with them she threw them away. When I was about 10 or 11 I started to get my own magazines like Go girl or whatever but I always read them super-duper fast so I kept asking my mum to buy me more—she then got really annoyed and said ‘Why don't you read my magazines?’ now at the time I though this was some big girl’s treat so I accepted the offer. How wrong I was because now I am ashamed to say I am addicted to My weekly magazines –go tell the world I read Middle Aged Women's Magazine's-

 I don’t care as long as I can read my ‘What are you wearing?’ article!


Item 10. A woolly Winnie the Pooh hot water bottle

This hot water bottle has been my friend through horrible times—through cold nights and unbearable period pains that we girls need to go through.
Yes its childish and silly but even though I’m ashamed to say I own it—along with all these other items—its what I love and what I have loved and I’m sure some people who have tried to grow up fast have thrown away things like this and have regretted it.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of the stuff you own because everyone else has an embarrassing item lurking somewhere—even if they seem like the coolest of cats in the chickflicking clicky clippy town.And remember myeyebrowaredark.


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